Saturday, May 05, 2007

PU syndicate okays new courses

The Patna University syndicate on Friday approved the recommendation of the academic council regarding introduction of as many as 60 new courses from the next academic session on self-financing basis. The new courses to be introduced in different colleges and post-graduate departments of PU include ten two-year post-graduate courses, nine three-year degree courses, 33 post-graduate diploma courses and eight certificate courses. Earlier, immediately after the syndicate meeting started under the chairmanship of VC Y C Simhadri, one member Kanchan Bala walked out in protest against the non-implementation of the previous decision of the syndicate regarding upgradation of lab technicians. She said there was no use of attending the syndicate meeting if its decisions are not implemented by the university. Syndic Bharti S Kumar suggested that there should be a policy decision on the fee concession to the students belonging to the weaker sections and that no vocational course should be allowed at the cost of regular courses. She also suggested that there should not be repetition of the same course in all the colleges. The syndicate also decided that admission to the under-graduate and post-graduate courses of PU would be held as per the common format devised by the university. Even if centralised admission procedure is not followed as decided earlier, the dates of submission of application forms and the last dates of admission to various courses in different institutions would be common. The price of application forms and admission fee would also be the same for all institutions