Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nitish urges Lalu to complete rail projects in Bihar

Hoping that Railway Minister Lalu Prasad would not announce any increase in passenger fares in the Railway budget for 2008-09, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has urged Prasad to accord top priority to implementing railways projects in the state.

"We want that there should not be any increase in passenger fares," Kumar said while addressing a group of reporters last evening.

Urging Lalu to accord top priority to implement all the pending projects in Bihar, Kumar said the railway projects which were pending for the last four years, if implemented would benefit the people of the state.

"Usually, Lalu resorts to tricks and raise fares indirectly by altering the rules," Kumar charged and sarcastically remarked "Lalu gives from one hand, takes the benefits back from another."

Kumar, who himself had been the Railway minister during the NDA regime, said that it was only after some time people come to realise that they had been taken for a ride in the name of reduction of fare or freight cost.

On Lalu's promises to present attractive railway budget from the point of view of common man's interests, Kumar alleged that Lalu was making promises only to get approving thumping of desks on the floor of parliament.