Dear friend.I am a film maker in Mumbai.You must have read myferocious scraps on Raj Thackeray's communities,I saw all this in 2003, when poor helpless biharistudents were beaten up in Pune.I made a shortfilm "The Outsider" in 2004, which was one of thebest films in department, it was about railwayissue, it went for chennai film festival too. Ihave left all the projects I am doing. Now Myonly aim is to make this documentary and show ateach and every remotest village, town and citiesin Bihar. I need 2-3 people who can give there 20-25 days and are passionate about bringing changein bihar, we need to go to different places inIndia and do shooting. I am open to meet peopleASAP.This is the time that we need to do something. We have lost our self-respect in Delh,Punjb, Maharshtra.People are hating us, our birthplace (janmbhoomi) is corrupted."Bihari" hasbecome an expletive in all parts of India. Who isresponsible for this?Bihar is becoming an old agehome.Our parents are living there, I remember thetime when i use to get 2000 rs, for monthlyexpenses.Many a times, our parents will have foodtwice a day to send us money but will never letus know that there is problem back home. Ourfather use to do overtime to earn extra. OurMother sold her jewellery to make what we aretoday,but what are we doing today for that landfor our mothers and fathers, they are alone,weneed to bring our land up to a level where we canfeel proud of it. Lets do something guys.Hundredsand Thousands of students come out every year andwith that comes out millions of rs. Its not onlybrain drain but also economic and prosperitywhich is draining out.I need to start work fromnext weekend. Enough of talking on orkut and other communities, now its the time for all of usto think and come together and do some solidwork.Please meet me and see my project and be apart of it. I need your contribution, from ideato money, any amount whatever amount you feellike. (starting from 1rs.)
Kind regards,
Nitin chandra.
P.S. I need guidance of my seniors and people whoare related to media. I want to come to Patna anddiscuss this documentary with people who want tobe the part of it. Let me know if some one isinterested in funding it. I dont ant a singlerupee from it. The production cost for thisdocumentary would be very cheap. a few thousandrs....please guys. Its all for Bihar....
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